Rebuilding Together Rogue Valley is  not-for-profit organization launched in 2013 by two Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS) trained under the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) program.

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Rebuilding Together Rogue Valley (RBTRV) uses elements of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing CAPABLE model (Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders) and have, over the last four years, quietly and effectively, provided our services to over 450 older adults and their families by assuring in-the-home fall-risk assessments to low income older adults and persons with disabilities who want to “age-in-place” i.e. safely remain, as long as possible, in their current homes. Assessments are done, using Certified Aging-in-Place Specialists (CAPS) and/or trained assessors. We employ state-licensed, bonded handymen to make any recommended installations (grab bars, grab rails, porch repair…) Durable medical equipment typically provided includes shower chairs, shower wands, toilet risers, transfer benches.  Our goal is to make people safer, sooner. Our funding comes from small foundation grants, sponsorships, and donations.  Our referrals come from All Care Health, Jackson Care Connect, Providence, Asante, ACCESS, Rogue Valley Council of Governments/ Senior and Disability Services, the Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, and from self-identified people concerned about falling in their home. Increasingly, we are seeing self-referrals from individuals recently discharged from the hospital with bathroom safety and accessibility challenges that compromise their ability to return to and remain safely in their homes. Ramps remain a substantial need and a recently identified CDBG grant from the City of Medford to build ramps. In Southern Oregon, many low-income seniors are living independently but lack resources to make needed safety improvements. Their homes may be a single-family structure, a manufactured home, or even an aging recreational vehicle. Our fall-risk assessment program involves an in-the-home evaluation to determine immediate “safer at home” needs and educate about possible future needs. The assessment process takes 15 minutes and is provided at no cost. The assessment covers four critical areas in the home:  Accessibility: Can the person safely access their home to go to doctor’s appointments, church, the grocery store?  Trip Hazards: Are loose rugs secured? Are pets and their toys managed? Are dangling cords secured?  Bathroom Safety: Are there grab bars and other durable medical equipment in place appropriate to the need? Does the bathroom environment improve independence in activities of daily living?  Home Environment Safety: Are there working smoke and CO detectors; are clogged dryer vents addressed? Are furnace filters changed?  Following the assessment, installation, and/or provision of what is needed is provided, usually, the same day as the assessment. An older adult falling typically means emergency room transfer and hospitalization typically because of a head injury or a hip or femur fracture. The cost of a fall is, at minimum, $30,000 (CDC 2015). The risk assessment and simple home modifications average $450 per household and are usually provided to our clients at no charge. We have demonstrated the impact that reflects increased independence with activities of daily living (particularly toileting and bathing) and reduced fall risk and falling behavior. The potential for cost avoidance related to ER use and hospitalizations as the result of falling behavior in older adults is significant. Rebuilding Together Rogue Valley is a  “small but mighty” non-profit. Thank you.

National Rebuilding Together Vision: Safe homes and communities for everyone.

National Rebuilding Together Mission: Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.

Rebuilding Together Rogue Valley Vision: Communities actively embrace and support healthy and independent living for older adults.

Rebuilding Together Rogue Valley Mission: Repairing homes, Revitalizing Communities, Rebuilding Lives.

Affiliate Website |  National Website | www.Facebook.com/RBTroguevalley



Mailing address:
PO Box 1837, Jacksonville, OR 97530

Kendyl Berkowitz, Executive Director

[email protected]
